Egg Code Stamp Decoder

Did you know that in the UK (and also in most European countries), the eggs you buy in a shop must be stamped with a code that can help you find out more about how and where your eggs were produced. This code is helpful to distinguish organic and free range eggs from eggs from more industrial production (e.g. barn or caged hen eggs).

Here is how the code works:

Python Challenge

For this challenge you will need to write a Python script that:

  • Takes one input from the end-user: the code as it appear on a stamped egg. (Just the code, not the Best Before Date)
  • Use this code to output the farming method this egg originated from: (Organic, Free range, Barn or Cage)
  • Output the country of Origin: e.g.:
    • UK: United Kingdom
    • NL: Netherlands
    • FR: France
    • BE: Belgium
    • DE: Germany
    • ES: Spain
  • Output the farm/producer ID

Python Code

Complete the code below…

Test Plan

Test # Input Value Expected Output Actual Output
#1 1UK54321 Free Range Egg
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Farm Id: 54321
#1 0NL6789 Organic Egg
Country of Origin: Nethelands
Farm Id: 6789
#1 3ES02468 Barn Egg
Country of Origin: Spain
Farm Id: 02468

Extension Task #1: Defensive Design

Update your code to automatically reject any invalid code:

  • A valid code contains at least 7 alphanumerical characters,
  • A valid code should start with a number digit between 0 and 3.

Extension Task #2: Country Codes

For our code to be complete, we need to recognise all the possible two-letter country codes. We have stored the full list of country codes in the following CSV file.


Your task is to update your program for your code to automatically lookup for a country code using this CSV file.



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