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Tag: subroutines

Brunel’s Engineering Algorithms

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) was an English civil engineer who is considered one of the greatest figures of the Industrial Revolution. Brunel achieved many engineering firsts thanks to his hard-work, his engineering knowledge, his innovative mind and his renowned problem

Circle Geometry Functions

In this challenge we will create a library of functions to apply the different formulas based on the geometry of circles. For each function, you will need to design the algorithm using either Pseudo-code or a flowchart, implement the function

File Size Calculations

Digital data consists of binary information and is stored as a collection of 0’s and 1’s. On a computer system, numbers, text, pictures, sound files, video clips and computer programs are all stored using binary code. Storing text files in

Python Typing Text Effect

In this blog post we will revisit two of the key python functions: print() and input() in order to improve the user experience of our Python programs. As you know, the print() function in Python is used to output a

Radians to Degrees Conversions

The radian is a unit of measure for angles used mainly in trigonometry. It is used as an alternative to degrees. Whereas, in degrees a full circle is 360 degrees, in radians a full circle is 2π radians: It is

Triangle Geometry Functions

In this challenge we will create a library of functions to apply the different formulas based on the geometry of triangles. For each function, you will need to design the algorithm using either Pseudo-code or a flowchart, implement the function

Cinema Booking Challenge

A cinema has created a booking system for their main theatre which consists of 48 seats, organised in 6 rows of 8 seats. To store information as to whether a seat is booked or available, the program uses a 2-dimensional