In this blog post we will design our own algorithms using both pseudo-code and flowcharts.
When given a problem to solve using a computer program you need to think about?
- What are the main steps required to solve this program? (decomposition)
- In which order will these steps be processed? (sequencing)
- What information do I need to retrieve from the end user? (inputs)
- What information do I need to display to the end user? (outputs)
- What decisions will the computer need to make? (selection / if statements)
- Is there any part of the process that can be repeated several times? (iteration / loops)
Then you can design your algorithm either in “plain English” (e.g. using pseudo-code) or using a visual representation (flowchart).
Scenario: Coffee Machine
Let’s look at the algorithm used in a tea/coffee machine.
The machine should:
- Ask the user whether they want tea or coffee,
- Add the tea or the coffee to the cup,
- Ask the user whether they want milk,
- If so, add milk to the cup,
- Ask the user whether they want sugar,
- If so, add sugar to the cup,
- Pour the hot water into the cup.
Now let’s look at this algorithm using pseudo-code and using a flowchart:
START; /Would you like Tea or Coffee?/; if tea { Add Tea in cup; } else { Add Coffee in cup; } /Would you like Milk?/; if Milk { Add Milk in cup; } /Would you like Sugar?/; if Sugar { Add Sugar in cup; } Pour hot water in cup; END;

Your Task: Pizza Robot
Adapt the above algorithm to use it in a pizza robot. Here is what the robot should do:
- Welcome the user,
- Ask what pizza base they need? (Thin, Thick)
- Ask if they want tomato sauce or BBQ sauce?
- Ask if they want cheese or not?
- Cook the pizza for 20 minutes,
- Serve the pizza
- Ask if the user is vegetarian. If they are not, then ask if they want chicken on their pizza.
- The cooking time of the pizza varies: It should be 15 minutes for a thin base and 20 minutes for a thick base. Adapt your flowchart accordingly.
Create your pseudo-code and your flowchart using Note you can reuse the code form the coffee machine to help you get started!