Taboo Revision Game (A Level)

taboo-cardsCheck our version of the Taboo game focusing on A level computer science terminology. The objective of the game is for a player to have their partners guess the word on the player’s card without using the word itself or five additional words listed on the card. The player has a fixed amount of time (30 seconds, one minute or two minutes, to be agreed at the start of the game). They should use this time to get their partners to guess as many words as possible.

If the player passes a card or uses one of the taboo words, they lose one point. For every word that is correctly guessed by their partners, they score one point. The player is not allowed to use any forms of the word listed. When acronyms are used, the player is not allowed to use any of the words that the acronym stands for.

One the cards below, the words to be guessed appear at the top of the card (white font) whereas the taboo words are listed on the white section of the card (grey font).
A Level Computer Science RevisionOpen Taboo Game in New Window

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