Can you explain this equation?


== and != are called comparison operators. They are used to compare two values and see whether they are the same (==) or check if they are different (!=). E.g.

if (gender=="Male") alert("You are a man.");
 = is used to assign a value to a variable. E.g.

 To Sum it up…

An = sign is used to assign a value to a variable: e.g.

var a=3;

An == sign is used to compare if two values are equal e.g.

if (a==3) {
    alert("a is equal to 3");
} else {
    alert("a is not equal to 3");

A != sign is used to compare if two values are different e.g.

if (a!=3) {
    alert("a is not equal to 3");
 } else {
     alert("a is equal to 3");


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