Object-Oriented Programming Concepts: Expert Level

Classes / Objects & Inheritance Abstract Classes, Encapsulation & Polymorphism Expert Level - Check My Answers
A template or blueprint from which objects can be instantiated from.
An instance of a class.
Abstract Class
A class which will not be used to instantiate objects.
Sub Class
The child class which inherits the methods and attributes from its parent class.
"Hiding" properties and methods of a class from the "outside world" by making these private.
Over-loading Polymorphism
Implementing a method multiple times to accept different parameters.
Over-Riding Polymorphism
Implementing an inherited method differently in a sub-class.
When a sub-class inherits the methods and properties of a parent class.
Master Class
Also called parent class or base class.
When a method or property can be accessed from outside the class.
When a method or property can only be accessed from inside the class.
A public method used to retrieve the content of a private property.
A public method used to set/overwrite the content of a private property.
Attribute / Property
A variable defined within a class to store a value.
A subroutine defined within a class to implement a behaviour.
Object-Oriented Programming
A method of a class that is automatically called when an object is instantiated from this class.
Multiple Inheritance
When a class has two or more parent classes.